GetHuman:GetHuman-dlandry - क्या आप हमारे अन्य Dell - Tech Support ग्राहकों को बता सकते हैं कि आपका केस कब हुआ?
GetHuman-dlandry:Yes। यह afternoon, नवंबर २८ पर था।
GetHuman:क्या आप Dell - Tech Support तक पहुँच गए हैं, और यदि हां, तो कैसे?
GetHuman:और इनमें से कौन सा आम Dell - Tech Support ग्राहक मुद्दों का सबसे अच्छा कारण बताता है कि आप उनसे बात करना चाहते थे?
(सामान्य Dell - Tech Support समस्याओं की सूची GetHuman-dlandry दिखाता है)
GetHuman-dlandry:"Repair Claim" इसलिए मैं to call कोशिश कर रहा था।
GetHuman:तो आप GetHuman के Dell - Tech Support ग्राहक समुदाय के लिए अपने अनुभव को कैसे जोड़ेंगे? हम इस संसाधन का उपयोग करके लाखों अन्य ग्राहकों के संबंध में किसी भी आईडी, नंबर, या कोड और किसी भी अनुचित शब्द को सेंसर कर देंगे।
GetHuman-dlandry:A Truly Abhorrent Experience
GetHuman:क्या आप ११/२८/१७ पर जो कुछ हुआ है, उससे आप बाकी लोगों को थोड़ा और बता सकते हैं?
GetHuman-dlandry:I've had an absolutely terrible experience with Dell Technical Support. After receiving an annoying over-the-phone diagnosis, Dell sent a technician to fix what they thought was the issue. Well, when the tech left and I still had a dysfunctional laptop, the experience got even worse. After calling numerous times and being without a computer for two weeks I've officially memorized the script of the automated answering machine, along with my service tag, the words used to help people understand letters ("D as in delta, J as in Juliet, M as in Mike, V as in Victor"), and the horrifying jingle that plays when being left on hold. I asked to speak to someone from the continental U.S. and was denied. I was interrupted, hung up on, and also dealt with someone leaving the phone in utter silence. I waited over ** minutes to see if they would return but to no avail. After expressing my deepest concerns I was referred to a senior technical team because my case had been elevated to a "senior-level." After finding out about this, I was told that I had to schedule a senior technician to call me. Well, I never received a call, even after rescheduling. Finally I got a call from the corporate office where their representative told me I could send my computer to them and they'd fix it, or they'd send me the required items and walk me through fixing it myself. So now, I'm shipping my computer off and will be receiving nothing for having to go through such a horrible experience. Most places will at least offer some sort of compensation, whether it's store credit or SOMETHING. I'm a college student with no computer during finals week, and even after expressing through a variety of means how important this is for me the people I worked with had no sense of urgency. With a combination of phone tag for two weeks, shipping*repair time, and the high probability of a delay for the holidays, it looks like I won't have a computer until literally next year. No matter what level of personnel I was speaking with I never felt like a valued customer* what a truly abhorrent experience. Dell, you're lucky this computer was a Christmas present.
GetHuman:आइए Dell - Tech Support संपर्क करने के अपने अनुभव को निर्धारित करें। 1 से 5 के पैमाने पर, Dell - Tech Support समस्या पर सहायता प्राप्त करना कितना आसान है?
GetHuman-dlandry:मैं मदद करने के लिए अपना रास्ता खोजने में आसानी के लिए पाँच में से एक five दे दूँगा।
GetHuman:संचार की गुणवत्ता के बारे में क्या। आप इसे 1 से 5 के पैमाने पर कैसे आंकेंगे?
GetHuman-dlandry:मैं उन्हें संचार पर पाँच में से एक three दूंगा।
GetHuman:और क्या जल्दी से और प्रभावी ढंग से आपकी समस्या का समाधान करने के लिए Dell - Tech Support की क्षमता के बारे में?
GetHuman-dlandry:उसके लिए मैं पाँच में से four कहूँगा।
GetHuman:और अंत में- अन्य Dell - Tech Support ग्राहकों के लिए कोई सलाह?
GetHuman-dlandry:उन्हें दिन में या देर से जल्दी बुलाओ। किसी भी व्यक्तिगत या खाता जानकारी को न भूलें जो आपको पता करने के लिए Dell - Tech Support की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।
GetHuman:खैर, यह लो। GetHuman-dlandry से कुछ उपयोगी फीडबैक और शब्द {नवंबर २८, २०१७ पर हुई ग्राहक सेवा समस्या से।